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Wright Partners office closed, but not Shutdown

Erin Robertson • August 11, 2021

Dear Client,


We are writing to update you on our contingency plans as a business now that the Government has directed us (Dubbo) to take further measures due to the spread of



Our business is geared for our team to continue working remotely. We have the means to take your calls during business hours and access all our software systems. This will ensure full services continue to be offered during this time.


Naturally, we will follow protocols issued to us by the Government agencies when it comes to direct contact with our clients. In addition, we have options for digital meetings via Facetime/Zoom etc. All of our documents that we provide can be created in an electronic format and sent to you via secure channels. As many of you would have already used our electronic signing services for documents, this is widely available to all our clients as well.


We will follow up with further news, along with posting updates on our blog page ( Please consider following us on Facebook, as we are constantly posting updates here too.


Summaries of Lockdown Support packages are available on our website which include: COVID Business Grant and Job Saver (each for business clients), and the COVID-19 disaster payment (for individuals). Feel free to contact us to discuss this further.



We wish you good health. Please contact us with any concerns.



Yours Faithfully

Mitchell Clark CPA

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