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Client Alert for February 2013

Wright Partners • February 18, 2013
Tasmanian bushfires - lodgment and payment deferral
SMSF investment in property requires care
TIP: Given the complexity involved, a trustee should obtain detailed advice in relation to a borrowing arrangement. It is vital to plan ahead to mitigate any adverse tax or stamp duty consequences. Please contact our office or the ATO for further information.
ATO data-matching programs
Deductions for rental properties allowed
Foreign income assessable
Mistaken belief does not revoke excess super tax bill
TIP: This case highlights the need for individuals to know when their super contributions are being paid into their super fund by their employer. Individuals should also consider checking their salary sacrifice arrangements to see if there is an agreement as to when salary sacrifice amounts will be transferred by their employer to their super fund. Please contact our office or the ATO if you have any questions.
Taxman's new power to address super law contraventions
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